Compendium of Sexual & Reproductive Health Resources for Healthcare Providers

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This compendium was created to help primary care providers and others improve their clinical skills in this area by compiling existing resources on sexual and reproductive health topics across the lifespan. Practical, high quality resources found in this compendium include the following:

  • Webinars, videos, and other online trainings, many of which grant continuing education units
  • Toolkits and implementation guides
  • Skill-building tools, such as checklists, screeners, and self-assessments
  • Curricula and more

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Adolescents and Young Adults

Health Provider Toolkit for Adolescent and Young Adult Males

The Partnership for Male Youth

This clinical toolkit is designed to address adolescent and young adult (AYA) males’ unique health care needs. Sexual and Reproductive Health is one of the toolkit’s domains. The toolkit contains four major clinical tools:

  • A checklist that covers 9 major domains where the health care needs of AYA males are most pronounced and unique
  • A compilation of suggested patient interview questions for each domain
  • Supporting materials for each domain consisting of background information, practice tools and references
  • A video library of CME and patient education presentations on topics covered by the toolkit

LGBT and Gender Nonconforming People

Black MSM and PrEP: Challenges and Opportunities

National LGBT Health Education Center

Nearly half of new HIV infections occur in the South, where Black/African American, young MSM (YMSM, ages 18 to 35) are at greatest risk. The learning objectives of this webinar are to:

  • Understand healthcare challenges for Black MSM
  • Understand different pathways that healthcare organizations can take to provide access to culturally competent PrEP services
  • Learn about innovative strategies for addressing HIV prevention needs of Black MSM in the South

CME credit available

Care of the Transgender Patient

Annals of Internal Medicine

Transgender persons are a diverse group whose gender identity differs from their sex recorded at birth. Some choose to undergo medical treatment to align their physical appearance with their gender identity. Barriers to accessing appropriate and culturally competent care contribute to health disparities in transgender persons, such as increased rates of certain types of cancer, substance abuse, mental health conditions, infections, and chronic diseases. Thus, it is important that clinicians understand the specific medical issues that are relevant to this population.

Delivering HIV Prevention and Care to Transgender People

National LGBT Health Education Center

This webinar is designed to assist health providers caring for transgender people, with a focus on transgender women. The program presents the latest data on transgender people and HIV, describes the roles stigma and discrimination play in contributing to health disparities, and provides tips on how to provide patient-centered care specific to the needs of transgender people. The program presents strategies to make clinical environments more welcoming to transgender patients and covers critical topics in HIV prevention and care.

CME/CEU credits available.

HIV Prevention and Care for the Transgender Patient

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This online resource aims to reach health care providers to help them deliver patient-centered HIV care to transgender people. You can find information for health care providers on key topics such as how to make your practice welcoming for transgender patients, HIV prevention, collecting sexual orientation and gender identity data, taking a sexual history, HIV testing, risk reduction strategies and the HIV care continuum. Information for patients includes HIV prevention and care strategies and video testimonials from transgender people.

Introduction to Gender and Sexuality in a Health Care Setting: Providing Quality Care for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Patients


Part one of a two-part independent study series entitled “Clinically Competent and Culturally Proficient Care for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Patients.” Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe sex and gender continuum
  • Define terminology used to describe transgender and gender nonconforming people
  • Identify health disparities experienced by transgender and gender nonconforming people

CNE and CME credits available

Sexual Health Among Transgender People

National LGBT Health Education Center

Engaging transgender clients in exploring sexuality—including intersectionality with gender identity and shifts in attraction associated with medical affirmation—is integral to the larger, clinical goal of affirming transgender identities and providing competent care. The learning objectives for this webinar are to:

  • Understand recent research related to therapeutic considerations for sexual health among transgender clients
  • Describe best behavioral health practices related to sexual health care for transgender clients
  • Acquire a gender-affirming therapeutic framework with transgender clients related to sexual identities and fluidity, sexual satisfaction following medical affirmation, and relational health

CME credit available

Trans 101: Transgender People in Everyday Work and Life!

The Center of Excellence for Transgender Health

The course is an excellent resource for anyone interested in increasing their knowledge and awareness about the issues impacting the health and lives of transgender people. Employers, health care organizations, community-based agencies, and others who complete the course will be able to:

  • Identify and define common terms that transgender people may use to describe themselves
  • Describe structural, community, interpersonal or individual factors that contribute to disparities among transgender people
  • Discuss strategies to improve services for transgender people
  • Name ways to be an ally to trans communities

This is a 30-minute self-monitored course with seven interactive, multi-media modules.


Black MSM and PrEP: Challenges and Opportunities

National LGBT Health Education Center

Nearly half of new HIV infections occur in the South, where Black/African American, young MSM (YMSM, ages 18 to 35) are at greatest risk. The learning objectives of this webinar are to:

  • Understand healthcare challenges for Black MSM
  • Understand different pathways that healthcare organizations can take to provide access to culturally competent PrEP services
  • Learn about innovative strategies for addressing HIV prevention needs of Black MSM in the South

CME credit available

Health Provider Toolkit for Adolescent and Young Adult Males

The Partnership for Male Youth

This clinical toolkit is designed to address adolescent and young adult (AYA) males’ unique health care needs. Sexual and Reproductive Health is one of the toolkit’s domains. The toolkit contains four major clinical tools:

  • A checklist that covers 9 major domains where the health care needs of AYA males are most pronounced and unique
  • A compilation of suggested patient interview questions for each domain
  • Supporting materials for each domain consisting of background information, practice tools and references
  • A video library of CME and patient education presentations on topics covered by the toolkit

Risk Assessment, Education & Counseling for Men in Reproductive Health

Reproductive Health National Training Center

This self-paced online course helps providers gain the skills and knowledge to educate and counsel men on sexual and reproductive health. Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Describe a framework for reproductive health services for men that includes sexual health
  • Describe how to counsel men to share responsibility for reproductive health
  • Demonstrate effective strategies to counsel men seeking reproductive health care services
  • List the key elements of sexual history-taking for male family planning clients

CNE credits available

Family Planning/Contraception

Contraceptive Counseling and Education eLearning

Reproductive Health National Training Center

This eLearning module gives providers comprehensive information about the contraceptive methods and client-centered counseling techniques outlined in Providing Quality Family Planning Services: Recommendations of CDC and the U.S. Office of Population Affairs (QFP). Using the information in this module, providers can help clients identify the contraceptive method that best fits their needs and preferences.

Quality Contraceptive Counseling and Education: A Client-Centered Conversation

Reproductive Health National Training Center

This five-lesson course will prepare you to provide quality, client-centered contraceptive counseling and education, even during brief visits. The course includes:

  • Foundations for Counseling and Education
  • Building Rapport and Communication Skills
  • Quality Education Strategies
  • Client-Centered Decision Making
  • Confirming Understanding and Supporting a Client’s Plan

CNE credits available

HIV Prevention, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

Black MSM and PrEP: Challenges and Opportunities

National LGBT Health Education Center

Nearly half of new HIV infections occur in the South, where Black/African American, young MSM (YMSM, ages 18 to 35) are at greatest risk. The learning objectives of this webinar are to:

  • Understand healthcare challenges for Black MSM
  • Understand different pathways that healthcare organizations can take to provide access to culturally competent PrEP services
  • Learn about innovative strategies for addressing HIV prevention needs of Black MSM in the South

CME credit available

Getting to Zero: Reducing HIV Incidence through Screening, Treatment, and Prevention

National LGBT Health Education Center

An online learning module that will:

  • Describe HIV incidence, particularly among men who have sex with men and transgender women
  • Identify the current recommendations for HIV and STI screening and the importance of screening high risk populations for prevention of HIV
  • Describe how biomedical intervention, including treatment as prevention, PEP, and PrEP, are effective tools for reducing the incidence of new HIV cases among high-risk populations

CME credit available

HIV/AIDS Online Training Modules

Indian Health Services

The HIV/AIDS Online Training Modules are a collaboration between the National HIV/AIDS Program, community members and Traditionalists (Native healers) from across the U.S. Though contributors represent many Tribes, they present a consistent message about HIV, HIV prevention, HIV testing, and stigma reduction.

One section is intended for providers who work with American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) with HIV/AIDS and AI/AN persons at risk for HIV infection and designed to provide practical knowledge and skills that can assist providers in patient care.

Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Coercion

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence, Reproductive and Sexual Coercion: A Guide for Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Reproductive Health Care Settings

Futures Without Violence

This guide, developed in collaboration with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), expands the scope of routine screening for IPV to include assessment for reproductive and sexual coercion. The Guide includes:

  • Definitions of IPV, adolescent relationship abuse, reproductive coercion and related terminology
  • A brief overview of the prevalence of IPV and reproductive and sexual coercion
  • Strategies for addressing reproductive and sexual coercion with patients seeking reproductive health care services
  • Safety cards to use as a brief intervention to ask and educate patients about reproductive and sexual coercion
  • An overview of preparing your practice or program and keys for success including developing relationships with local domestic violence advocates and community programs
  • A quality assessment/quality improvement tool to implement and sustain a trauma-informed, coordinated response to IPV and reproductive and sexual coercion

Clinical Care for Sexual Assault Survivors: A Multimedia Training Tool

International Rescue Committee

The goal of this multimedia educational program, developed in collaboration with UCLA Center for International Medicine, is to improve clinical care for and general treatment of sexual assault survivors by providing medical instruction and encouraging competent, compassionate, confidential care.

The program is intended for both clinical care providers and non-clinician health facility staff. It is designed to be delivered in a group setting with facilitators guiding participants through the material and directing discussions and group participation as appropriate. It is divided into five sections:

  • What Every Clinic Worker Needs to Know
  • Responsibilities of Non-Medical Staff
  • Direct Patient Care
  • Preparing Your Clinic
  • Forensic Examination

Available in Arabic and French 

Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Victimization Assessment Instruments for Use in Healthcare Settings

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This document is a compilation of existing tools for assessing intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence (SV) victimization (defined below) in clinical/healthcare settings. The purpose of this compilation of assessment instruments is: 1) to provide practitioners and clinicians with the most current inventory of assessment tools for determining IPV and/or SV victimization, and 2) to supply information on the psychometric properties of these instruments, when available, to inform decisions about which instruments are most appropriate for use with a given population.

Tribal Forensic Healthcare Project

Indian Health Service and International Association of Forensic Nurses

The Tribal Forensic Healthcare Project provides in-person and web-based training related to the identification, collection, and preservation of medical forensic evidence obtained during the treatment of victims of sexual and domestic violence. The project provides training for:

  • Sexual Assault Examiner
  • Pediatric Sexual Abuse Examiner
  • Sexual Assault Clinical Skills
  • Pediatric Sexual Abuse Clinical Skills
  • Domestic Violence Examiner
  • Domestic Violence Awareness

Sexual Functioning and Pleasure

Sexual Health Questions to Ask All Patients

National Coalition for Sexual Health

This sexual history-taking tool includes a 6th P to help providers talk with patients about sexual pleasure, problems, and pride. It builds upon CDC's 5 Ps approach that asks patients about 1) Partners 2) Practices 3) Past History of STIs 4) Protection, and 5) Pregnancy Prevention/Reproductive Life Plan. Specifically, the 6th P explores sexual satisfaction, functioning, concerns, and support for one's gender identity and sexual orientation.

Also available en Español.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (Including Hepatitis and HIV)

Clinical Education Initiative

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute Clinical Education Initiative

Clinical Education Initiative (CEI) is designed to enhance the capacity of New York’s diverse health care workforce to deliver clinical services to improve health outcomes related to HIV, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and hepatitis C (HCV). The aims of the CEI are fourfold:

  • Provide progressive HIV, HCV and STD education to clinicians
  • Disseminate AIDS Institute clinical practice guidelines
  • Expand the base of providers able to diagnose and care for HIV, HCV and STD patients
  • Foster partnerships between community-based providers and HIV, HCV and STD specialists

National STD Curriculum

University of Washington STD Prevention Training Center

The National STD Curriculum is free, up-to-date, and integrates the most recent CDC STD Treatment Guidelines. Features include:

  • Seven Self-Study Modules
  • Twelve Question Bank topics with 100+ interactive board-review style questions
  • Modular learning in any order with an individual progress tracker
  • Group registration and tracking for staff, students, and healthcare organizations
  • Free continuing education credits (CME and CNE)

Recommendations and Guidelines

Providing Quality Family Planning Services: Recommendations from CDC and the U.S. Office of Population Affairs

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & U.S. Office of Population Affairs

The QFP provides recommendations for use by all reproductive health and primary care providers with patients who are in need of services related to preventing or for achieving pregnancy. The QFP recommendations support all primary care providers in delivering quality family planning services and define family planning services within a broader context of preventive services, to improve health outcomes for women, men and their (future) children.

Recommendations for Providing Quality Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinical Services, 2020

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This report provides CDC recommendations regarding quality clinical services for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) for primary care and STD specialty care settings. These recommendations specify operational determinants of quality services in different types of clinical settings, describing on-site treatment and partner services, and indicating when STD-related conditions should be managed through consultation with or referral to a specialist.

Sexual History-Taking