To help the public take action to improve their sexual health and well-being, the NCSH produces a variety of practical tools and materials.
Communicating to the Public

A Guide to Sexual Concerns and Pleasure

A Guide to Sexual Concerns and Pleasure
For people of all ages, sexual concerns are very common. Learn about the many causes, solutions, and practical steps you can take to improve your sex life.
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Mpox Vaccine: Promotion Materials Toolkit

Mpox Vaccine: Promotion Materials Toolkit

The National Coalition for Sexual Health (NCSH) has developed a series of digital and print materials for health departments and community-based organizations to promote uptake of the mpox vaccine. These evidence-based materials were guided by a needs assessment, a professional advisory group, and pre-testing with the intended public audiences.

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Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing: More Than Just Genitals

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing: More Than Just Genitals
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Are you having oral and/or anal sex? If so, you might need to get an STI test in your throat or butt. It’s quick and easy. This new fact sheet describes who should get tested, why get tested, what to expect, and tips for talking with your provider.

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Sexual Health Quick Tips

Sexual Health Quick Tips

These colorful “Sexual Health Quick Tips” provide brief, practical content on a variety of topics for the public, which you can share via Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

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Five Action Steps to Good Sexual Health

Five Action Steps to Good Sexual Health

This comprehensive roadmap redefines what it means to be sexually healthy, and equips the public with practical tips and information through a mobile-friendly website. 

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Promotional Materials

Promotional Materials
These materials are available to help promote various NCSH products to the public and to professional audiences. Many of them can be adapted and/or co-branded.
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Take Charge of Your Sexual Health: What you need to know about preventive services

Take Charge of Your Sexual Health: What you need to know about preventive services
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Many people are not getting vital preventive sexual health services. This guide describes the services – screenings, vaccines, and counseling – that are recommended for adolescents and adults of all ages. 

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Talking with the Public about Sexual Health: Message Frameworks

Talking with the Public about Sexual Health: Message Frameworks
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Based on qualitative and quantitative testing, the NSCH created a series of message frameworks to help professionals communicate effectively and succinctly with the public and media about sexual health.

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